About the Project

This site was created and is maintained solely by volunteers who are passionate about the history of their ancient clan and kin. If you are also interested in our history and would like to contribute information, editorial help, or recent/upcoming events, we’d love to hear from you.

Why Another Site?

That’s a good question. There are already several sites about the Clan Maclean, and the official site is pretty good. So, why did we put together this site—to fill the gap in history and online collaboration. So far no site has really take on consolidating, organizing and sharing the history of the Clan Maclean. That’s exactly what we’re trying to do—create an easy-to-use history resource for the Clan Maclean.

The Clan Maclean International site is best source for the goings-on, the Genealogy section is perfect for family researchers, and we want this site to become the best place to go for the history of our family and clans.

Future Plans

Right now, our primary objective is to get the information we do have into the site.

Next we want to incorporate social networking tools into the site such as a forum system, user blogs, RSS feeds, and more. We really want this to become a place for kin to meet online and share information and learn more about our common history.